
Business - Certificate II in Workplace Skills


We mean business! – get that job!

BSB20120 - Certificate II in Workplace Skills


Become proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel. Learn good work and communication skills in a practical setting. Competently use a variety of business equipment in hands-on activities. Certificate II in Workplace Skills gives students the ability to work effectively with others in an office situation and gain useful life skills.


At Aldridge:

Certificate II in Workplace Skills is a two-year course which can be started in year 10 or 11. No prior knowledge is necessary and students are not required to complete a Certificate I qualification prior to enrolment in this course.  


Why study Certificate II in Workplace Skills?

Certificate II in Workplace Skills caters for those students who wish to gain nationally recognised vocational education certification, while remaining at school.  This course provides the same level of certification as that delivered by TAFE or by a student completing a traineeship. This certificate has the potential of providing better opportunities for the student to gain employment in an office situation after leaving school.


Certificate II in Workplace Skills is designed to equip students with the ability to communicate effectively and to interact confidently in a business environment.  They will use a range of business information and technologies. To enhance their knowledge, students complete a range of clerical and office activities for the school to provide a real-life learning context. 


Facilities, equipment and software:

Certificate II in Workplace Skills classes are held in computer labs to provide students with access to industry standard desktop machines.  Students develop skills in the use of Office 365 software including Word, Excel and Outlook and these skills are useful at school, personally and in the business world.  Students have access to a simulated office for training purposes, which contains ergonomic office furniture, filing cabinets and a variety of office equipment including computers, a photocopier, digital cameras, laminating and binding machines, shredders, guillotines, a phone and fax machine, and a range of stationery items.  



Certificate II in Workplace Skills students gain skills to access a variety of employment opportunities in an office administration setting.  Some of the industries they could enter include the Public Administration, Legal, Banking, Retail, Tourism and Hospitality, Insurance, Health Care and Travel sectors.  Further studies in Business can be undertaken in a variety of certificate III, certificate IV or diploma courses at Registered Training Organisations such as TAFE or a range of Bachelor degrees at university.


Units of competency:

While the following units of competency will be covered during the course, the order and timing of these may vary depending on the prior knowledge and skills of the students.


Unit codeName of unit of competency
Apply Communication Skills (Core)
Work Effectively in a Business Environment (Core)
Plan and apply time management (Core)
BSBSUS211Participate in sustainable work practices (Core)
Contribute to Health and Safety of Self and Others (Core)
Support personal wellbeing in the workplace (Elective)
Use business software applications (Elective)
BSBTEC202Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment (Elective)
BSBPEF101Plan and prepare for work readiness (Elective)
BSBTWK201         Work effectively with others (Elective)




Last reviewed 31 August 2021
Last updated 31 August 2021