Below are a list of Aldridge SHS P&C meetings for 2025. Meetings take place at 4:30pm in the Aldridge SHS Admin Building and everyone is welcome to come along.
Monday, 17th March AGM followed by General Meeting
Monday, 28th of April 2025
Monday, 19th of May 2025
Monday, 16th of June 2025
Monday, 21st July 2025
Monday, 25th August 2025
Monday, 20th October 2025
Monday, 24th November 2025, last meeting for year followed by break up dinner. Location TBA closer to date.
The P&C would like to extend a warm welcome to all parents and caregivers of our students to come along to our meetings and take part in a rewarding organisation. With such a variety of topics from music to chaplaincy - there is sure to be something that interests you and gives you a chance to use your talents. If you would like to get involved, please contact us at for more details. Hope to see you there.
Aldridge State High School P&C works collaboratively with the school in looking after our students in the best possible way. We continue to support the school administration wherever we can. The school Financial Plan, Operational Plan, Risk Management Strategy, Behavioural Plan are just some of the issues discussed and endorsed at P&C meetings. New school facilities, fund raising and parking are other issues regularly discussed at our meetings. The P&C Committee is committed to constantly upgrading the resources and facilities available to our students.
Some of our notable achievements include fundraising for, and assisting with the implementation of:
It is a great way to become involved and have some input in your child's school. Your contribution, big or small, benefits all our children and can help make the school an even better place for them to grow and learn.
If you are unable to attend, but would like to raise an item under general business please email us prior to the meeting and we will include it in our meeting. You must include details of the general business and your name.