
Community, Citizenship, and the Environment (CCE)



CCE aims for students to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding about the community, citizenship, and the environment. The subject explores the way individuals interact within a variety of social, cultural, economic, and environmental contexts.

At Aldridge:

CCE is a subject offered by the Learning Enhancement Centre (LEC). CCE is available to senior students (in Year 10, 11, 12) who are planning to exit school with a QCIA. 

Why study CCE?

CCE encourages students to become active and informed citizens and to develop skills to understand their community and environment. In this course, students will:

  • Learn about active citizenship, and ways to participate in and contribute to their community.
  • Learn about changes over time; learn about changes over locations.
  • Explore the world around them by investigating the natural and constructed features of different places.

Investigate how scientific understandings can inform decision-making about people and their environments.

Facilities, Equipment and Software:

CCE is taught downstairs in F Block. This allows easy access for students with mobility issues, as there are no stairs to negotiate. There is Teacher Aid assistance during lessons for students that need one-on-one support. Our classroom is fitted with a large whiteboard, projector, and speakers that enable our students to access multimedia as part of their learning experience.


Year 10, 11, 12 (inclusive)

19 weeks
Active Citizenship in Local and Wider Communities

This term, students will investigate how much waste we produce as a nation. They will examine recycling programs and their history; household, retail, and farming waste; Australia's plastic waste problem; and the consequences of being a wasteful society.


210 weeksPlaces, Environments, and PeopleThis term, students will carry out an in-depth study of another country of their choice. They will cover the following themes: the environment, the media, expressive arts, education, food and drink, sport and leisure, customs and celebrations.
310 weeksSimilarities and Differences Between the Past and PresentThis term, students will investigate the similarities and differences between young people's daily lives today, and life during their parents' and grandparents' childhoods. They will identify how the stories of families and the past can be communicated (through photographs, artefacts, books, oral histories, museums). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives will be included.
48 weeksMaking Decisions Using Scientific UnderstandingsThis term, students will investigate how scientific understandings, discoveries, and inventions are used to solve problems that affect people's lives. They will explain how science and technology contribute to finding solutions to issues.



CCE provides students with the opportunity develop personal, interpersonal, and citizenship skills. These are all attributes that are highly valued in any workplace.


Ms Novakay is a Senior Teacher who has been at Aldridge since 2014. She currently teaches subjects in the English Department, Humanities Department, and within the LEC.

Last reviewed 30 July 2021
Last updated 30 July 2021