


Learn another language, live another life!


When you learn Japanese, you become not only proficient in the language but also gain an insider view of the culture. Beginner level students find learning the basics of Japanese extremely satisfying – and surprisingly simple! 

At Aldridge:

At Aldridge we offer Japanese through all year levels. Students can begin with learning the basics and traditions of Japanese culture, all the way through to fluently speaking and understanding the language. Senior students who study Japanese are also given the opportunity to tour Japan while still at school.

Why study Japanese?

The many cognitive benefits of learning languages are undeniable. People who speak more than one language have improved memory, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, enhanced concentration, ability to multitask, and better listening skills.

Whether you intend on working within the global economy or just learning for enjoyment, the broad skills gained from learning Japanese at Aldridge will assist you no matter what your career pathway. 


Students will enjoy being able to study in a dedicated learning space where they can immerse themselves in Japanese culture and explore what Japan has to offer from right here in Maryborough. 

Units of study:

Year 7

10 weeks

Nice to meet you!



In this unit, students learn to introduce themselves in Japanese. To culminate the unit, students write a fake Facebook profile of themselves using their new language skills.



Year 8

10 weeks

Yum, yum for my tum!



Japanese food is YUM, YUM, YUM!! In this unit we learn all about it. On completion of it, students will be able to describe what they eat and drink and the frequency of this. Students will apply their knowledge to construct a speech about foods and drinks. In addition, students will learn about traditional and contemporary Japanese diets, tasting some of the food along the way!


210 weeks

We love animals!



Don't you just love animals! This is the unit to express that. Students will learn animal names and be able to describe their appearance, diets, habitats and sounds, in Japanese. Particular focus is placed on reading and writing skills, with the culminating task of an animal factbook, including their favourite animals.



Year 9

110 weeks
My Family and Home

What do you think about your family and home? Here is your chance to express it, in Japanese 😊 On completion of this unit students should be able to describe their family, such as members, likes/abilities, appearance, and occupations. In addition, they will be able to describe their homes in detail (such as number of rooms, layout, contents, etc).


210 weeks

Japan is a country of so many wonderful festivals and this unit explores them! On completion of it, students should be able to express giving and receiving of gifts and the doing of favours, describe gifts and other items, compare Japanese and Australian Christmas, New Year and other holiday celebrations/festivals, express their feelings and opinions.


38 weeks
Sports and Hobbies

Did you know that karate and judo originated in Japan? In this unit, we explore a range of sports and hobbies, both traditional and modern. We describe our hobbies, discuss our abilities and preferences, and learn about the sporting culture in Japan.


411 weeks Daily Routines

What does your typical day involve? Waking up, eating breakky, going to school or work and partying on the weekends? On completion of this unit, students will be able to communicate in Japanese about their typical daily routines, using a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures when composing and comprehending. Students will create a multi-modal presentation or a storybook, which details the typical daily routine of a main character and also teaches some 'healthy living' habits whilst incorporating some interactive aides.




Year 10

19 weeks Where's Wally

Learn how to tell someone where to go, nicely and politely! On completion of this unit students will have learnt basic location and giving direction vocabulary and structures and how to use them effectively both when comprehending and composing.


29 weeks
Let's go shopping

Shopping in Japan is fabulous and in this unit we learn all about it! This unit provides learners with the opportunity to develop vocabulary, grammar and cultural customs that are used whilst shopping in Japan.  Students will imagine and create an authentic Japanese shopping experience. On completion of this unit, students will communicate on a satisfactory level with respect to shopping terms, description of items, foods, omiyage, shops, etc...  They will also become aware of the cultural differences in shopping between Australia and Japan.


310 weeks
Let's go to Japan

Is it your dream to, one day, visit Japan? This unit will help you prepare for this! On completion of this unit, students will be able to communicate in Japanese about travel plans, using a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures when both composing and comprehending. Students will also discover the many tourist attractions of Japan!


410 weeks
My Brilliant Future

What do you want to do when you grow up? On completion of this unit, students will be able to communicate in Japanese about their own and others futures (both short and long term plans, goals and ambitions), using a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures when composing and comprehending.



Year 11 & 12

115 weeks

My World


Topics covered: Family/Carers and Friends, Lifestyle, Leisure & Education

In Unit 1, students compare and contrast lifestyles and education in Australian and Japanese-speaking communities, schools, homes and peer-group contexts. They communicate their understanding and experiences of relationships through the use of information and ideas in texts and language, such as formal and informal spoken language, and develop a variety of strategies to maintain communication. Students generate and compare information about their own and others' personal identities, and the cultural values related to personal and wider community lifestyles, leisure and education.

The subject matter engages students with aspects of language and textual conventions — to communicate similarities and differences, and to develop opinions about the lives and interests of young people — in familiar and unfamiliar school and home environments.

215 weeks

Exploring our World


Topics Covered: Travel, Technology, Media, Contribution of Japanese Culture to the World

In Unit 2, students move beyond their personal world to how they engage with the world. They do this by exploring options for personal travel and tourism in Japanese-speaking countries and Australia, and by considering the associated cultural conventions. Their study focuses on the increasingly central role and impact of technology and media in their own lives and the lives of Japanese-speaking peers. Students consider the ways that Japanese culture has contributed to the world, and reflect upon their experiences, compare options and express preferences, while appreciating diverse cultural values. This provides the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of a range of language elements and textual structures; to communicate similarities and differences; and to develop opinions about travel, technology and media, and the contribution of Japanese culture in the wider world.


318 weeks

Our Society


Topics covered: Roles and Relationships in our Society

In Unit 3, students investigate their place in society. They reflect on roles and relationships in society and how they and their peers retain a sense of connectedness and belonging.

Consideration is also given to stereotyping of groups in the community and how identity is linked or challenged by their place in their own and other Japanese-speaking communities. They learn how to express opinions about pressures and social expectations amongst their peers. As they comprehend, analyse, interpret and consider topics affecting their current and future society, students develop knowledge and understanding of a range of language elements. Students deepen their appreciation of cultural perspectives, as they are offered opportunities to use Japanese to synthesise how society impacts on themselves and their peers.

423 weeks

My Future


Topics include:

Finishing secondary school, plans and reflections

Responsibilities and moving on 


In Unit 4, students focus on their final year of school and their post-school future. This includes end-of-school celebrations, students' plans for their immediate future and how these plans, responsibilities and aspirations compare with those of young Japanese speakers. As students research and discuss, and then create texts relevant to school leavers, they consolidate their knowledge and understanding of a range of language elements, structures and text types. Students are offered opportunities to use Japanese, to explore their perspectives on issues relevant to their futures and to the futures of their peers, and to reflect on the end of their school lives. This unit is also preparation for the Japanese External Exam.



Bilingual professionals are in high demand in jobs in human resources, engineering, and sales, so if you speak Japanese and have technical skills, you have a good chance of gaining employment all over the world. While learning Japanese can expand your professional options, the real purpose of language is to connect with others.


Ms Sue Buck

Ms Tammy White


Last reviewed 22 April 2021
Last updated 22 April 2021