
The Arts - Performing Arts (PFA 7, 8 & 9)


Imagine. Create. Inspire.


Need to build up your self-confidence, want to learn how to work effectively in a team situation? Than Performing Arts is for you! Performing Arts the subject is comprised of dance, drama and media. All the Arts subjects offer students the opportunity to explore creativity, problem solving skills and learn how to work in a collaborative environment. These subjects embrace 21st Century skills which are highly sort after in the work world today.


At Aldridge:

Performing Arts (PFA) runs in Year 7 and 8 at Aldridge. It is designed to provide students with a taster of all the Arts subjects in a safe and supportive environment. Through this course, students are introduced to the basic elements and fundamentals of dance, drama and media. They are also provided with the chance to begin their independent learning journey by practicing creative skills. This taster subject sets students up for the senior grades where they can then branch off into their desired discipline/s.


Why study Performing Arts (PFA)?

Performing Arts develops the student as a whole. It promotes a self-awareness and understanding of the world. It focuses on the idea of team work, collaborative practises and problem solving, skills that are transferrable to all areas of study and life.



The Dance Studio

K04 is the centre of dance at Aldridge. Students have the chance to learn and create in a specifically designed and decked out dance studio. This space features a partially sprung floor, covered in dance specific vinyl which allows students to jump, turn and slide in a safe environment.  The space also contains mirrors to enable students to self-correct alignment and view dance demonstrations.

The Theatre

K03 is known as the Theatre here at Aldridge. This space is set out in a theatre design with raised seating, a small ground level stage and bio box. The space has lights and sound systems and gives the students the chance to see how these elements play an important part in Performing Arts.


Units of study:

Year 7 – "Let's Get Artistic"

Students develop a basic knowledge and understanding of dance, drama and media elements in this short introductory course. “Let’s Get Artistic” is focused on building confidence in working within the Arts subjects and centres on the idea of teamwork and collaborative creativity. The students have the chance to immerse themselves in each of the disciplines in order to learn which subject/s appeal to them. Students have the chance to learn performances from teachers, create their own pieces of work and to learn to critically reflect on their own and others works. This course sets the students up for their future journey through the arts subjects.

Year 8  

Year 8 PFA continues to nurture students' passion for Performing Arts and extend their knowledge and skills. Delving further into the elements of drama and dance, which creates a strong platform to create, perform and reflect. In particular, for the drama dimension students will explore improvisation. Through pretending to be someone other than ourselves and experimenting with different ideas, feelings, ways of behaving and their consequences gives us greater understanding of the human experience and develops empathy. For dance, students will develop physical skills and technique required for choreography and performance. Students will have the opportunity to create and perform both teacher-directed and student-devised work.

Year 9 

Year 9 PFA is dance and drama curriculum focused. This intensive course continues to develop confidence, build self-esteem and teamwork in a positive and safe environment. Building on students' prior knowledge and enhancing their understanding of the fundamentals and elements of drama and dance.

  • Drama allows students to explore, portray and celebrate human experience through creative workshops and performance.
  • Dance allows students to work with the body to explore, organise and refine movement for choreography and performance. 

Developing an understanding of the world around us through the eyes of Performing Arts ensures entertaining and engaging performances along with critical reflection. Students will have the opportunity to create and perform both teacher-directed and student-devised work.



A course of study in Performing Arts can establish a basis for further education in Dance, Drama and Media (Film, Television and New Media) in the later years of schooling. It also fosters 21st Century skills which will be beneficial to students throughout their schooling and work life.



Mrs Symes has been teaching at Aldridge since 2007 and has a passion for everything dance and Performing Arts. She has an extensive background in dance, productions and performances, having worked professionally in the industry for a number of years. She is passionate about passing on her love for dance and sharing her knowledge of the subject with students. She believes in providing students with the opportunity to experience everything dance has to offer and to help them become independent, creative and passionate adults.

Miss Newman has been teaching at Aldridge since 2012. Over her career, she has travelled and taught in classroom in the UK and South America. Miss Newman loves Performing Arts in particular dance and drama. Over the years, she has been involved in numerous productions, projects and performances. Her highlight of being a teacher is seeing the comradery PFA instils in its members and the individual confidence and self-esteem gained. Miss Newman is looking forward to another fabulous year of Performing Arts. 




Last reviewed 24 June 2021
Last updated 24 June 2021